Te Hoiere Team
Alongside our Trustees and the community is a growing team of Project partners, many of which are out and about in the catchment or behind the scenes in our Working Group. New Zealand Landcare Trust also contracts catchment group leaders on behalf of the Project to support community-led actions to enhance water quality.
Out and About
Collaboration and working together is at the heart of the Project, spanning multiple organisations and aspirations. Below are just a few people who you are most likely to meet, while undertaking Project work out and about in the catchment.

Aubrey Tai
Catchment Care Coordinator, Marlborough District Council
Aubrey is the guy to call if you're interested in funding for fencing, dung beetles or native planting. He usually shows up with bikkies to have a yarn with you about your goals for the property and how we might be able to help. When he isn't grabbing a pie in Havelock between site visits, you can find him hunting, fishing or somewhere in nature.

Shannon Huntley
Kaitiaki mō Te Hoiere Awa Coordinator, Te Runanga o Ngāti Kuia; and Te Hoiere Working Group Member
Raised in Waikawa, Shannon is a DOC Nelson Ranger Programme graduate and former RNZAF Firefighter. As part of Te Hoiere Project, he's leading the work plan for Ngāti Kuia to restore Ruapaka Wetland near Canvastown. Between organising contractors and looking after the Ngāti Kuia field crew, Shannon can be found spending time with his young family.
Clare O'Rourke
Team Leader - Te Hoiere Bat Recovery Project, Forest & Bird; and Te Hoiere Working Group Member
Clare grew up in Te Tau Ihu, hunting and fishing, swimming and tramping. As a field team leader for Forest & Bird's bat project, she also works with volunteers from the community to protect and restore the habitat of our beautiful pekapeka tou roa. Get in touch with Clare if you're keen to volunteer.
Sarah Huntley
Education Coordinator, Te Hoiere Project; Te Hoiere Centre Manager, Te Runanga o Ngāti Kuia; and Te Hoiere Working Group Member
A teacher by trade, Sarah is passionate about fostering the next generation of kaitiaki. She brings a fun and hands-on learning approach to conservation for our local tamariki. When Sarah isn’t busy working with local schools and managing the Pelorus Bridge Scenic Reserve campsite, she loves fishing, bush walks and exploring nature with her husband, Shannon, and two children. Get in touch with Sarah about bringing our programme to your school or community group in Marlborough!

India Hamill
Environmental Scientist – Freshwater Ecosystems, Marlborough District Council
India grew up in Marlborough, and isn't the only freshwater ecologist in the family. As part of Te Hoiere Project, she's looking at barriers to migration for native fish and understanding their habitats across the catchment. When she isn't knee-deep in fish habitats, you can find her alongside Aubrey as part of Council's waiata group, Ngā Manu Tioriori – Song Birds.

Wendy Sullivan
Marlborough Catchment Coordinator, New Zealand Landcare Trust; and Te Hoiere Working Group Member
With more than two decades of experience in a range of conservation roles, Wendy's passion is supporting grassroots efforts. While Wendy works for NZ Landcare Trust across Marlborough, she's helping Te Hoiere Project to support the formation of community-led catchment groups and their activities in our sub-catchments. If you're interested in starting a catchment group with others in your area, get in touch with Wendy to see how the Project can help.

Karen Morrison
Catchment Coordinator, Linkwater; and Te Hoiere Working Group Member
Karen is a Linkwater farmer who has released dung beetles on her farm, improved fencing, planted natives and much more. Get in touch with Karen if you're interested in joining the Linkwater Catchment Group or just want to know what it's all about.

Kristin Aldridge
Catchment Coordinator, Rai and Surrounds; and Te Hoiere Working Group Member
Kristin is a familiar face to local dairy farmers, working at Fonterra-owned FarmSource Rai Valley as manager and technical sales rep. She sees her roles as complementary, from advising farmers on crops to discussing options for protecting waterways. Get in touch with Kristin if you're looking to join the catchment group for Rai, Ronga or the surrounding area.

Veronika Merkle
Catchment Coordinator, Kaituna; and Te Hoiere Working Group Member
When Veronika isn’t homeschooling the kids, tending to the animals, or weeding her family’s restoration project in her back creek, she’ll be rallying the community in Kaituna—from south of Havelock down to Camerons Road.
Originally from Germany, Veronika lived in Marlborough for nearly a decade before settling into Long Valley in 2016 with her husband and three children. The family was drawn to the native bush and diversity of land uses in Okaramio, where Veronika is keen to chat to the community about how to get involved with the Project.
Read more about Veronika and how you can get involved in Kaituna.

Denis Marfell
Catchment Coordinator, Lower Pelorus and Whakamarino (Wakamarina); and Te Hoiere Working Group Member
Denis has lived on his 40-hectare lifestyle block near Canvastown for about 50 years, with a few sheep and a little bit of forestry. Today, he has a front-row seat to the Ruapaka Wetland transformation, as his State Highway 6 property is one of two landowners that border the 14-hectare project led by Ngati Kuia. As a member of the Canvastown volunteer fire brigade since 1989 as well as 20 years as president of the Pelorus Rugby Club, you’d be hard-pressed to find a local that doesn’t know Denis. If you’re keen to have a yarn about freshwater and the Project, give him a ring or find him at the Trout on Friday evenings.
027 277 0344
Working Group
The Working Group is a collective of representatives from our Project partners, who drive and support Project outcomes and community aspirations across the catchment. While each of the Working Group members bring their own super powers and technical expertise, they work together towards restoring the mauri of our area's land and waters. In addition to many of the people already listed above, our working group includes:

Rachel Russell, Te Hoiere Programme Manager

Daria Erastova, Forest & Bird

Phil Clerke, Department of Conservation

To be appointed, Ngāti Kuia

Sally Neal, Te Rūnanga a Rangitāne o Wairau

Angela MacKenzie, Top of the South Wood Council

Pete Hamill, Marlborough District Council

Wilhelmina Borst, Marlborough District Council
Simon Langley, Ministry for Primary Industries
Mandy Noffke, Forest & Bird
Lea O'Sullivan, Waka Kotahi

Jane Mitchell, Fonterra

Don Pointon, Havelock Community Association