Welcoming Te Ata Tuhimata
We’re excited to welcome our newest trustee, Te Ata Tuhimata, to represent Te Rūnanga a Rangitāne o Wairau on the Te Hoiere Kaitiaki Charitable Trust. Rangitāne o Wairau is tangata whenua of the Kaituna sub-catchment.
Te Ata has strong connections to the Wairau, where she grew up and with whānau having longstanding connections to the region. Te Ata is currently studying Poutuarongo Kaitiakitanga Pūtaiao (Bachelor of Environmental Management) with Te Wānanga o Raukawa, and is working at ACC as Cultural Capability Partner. She is a member of Ngā Rangatahi-ā-Iwi technical advisory group to the National Iwi Chairs Forum and also has a keen interest in Te Reo Māori revitalisation and ngā take taiao.